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Award-winning Australian Scaffolding Company specialising in Commercial, Construction, Mining and Industrial Scaffolding

K.J. Industrial Scaffolding has over the past thirty years maintained a steady controlled growth through providing a safe, highly responsive and well managed scaffolding service. This growth has been through client’s recognition of the high level of service provided by our company and by client’s recognition of the need to engage a provider that has safe systems of work, a quality system and environmentally conscious. KJ is now considered as one of Australia’s top scaffolding companies – ready and able to mobilise a workforce and provide an expert service across Australia for all national scaffolding projects.

Leader in scaffolding work best practice and training

K.J. Industrial Scaffolding is recognised as a leader in scaffolding safe systems of work and again as the leader in the establishment and engagement of the first ever recognised scaffolding traineeships (Certificate III). It is our intentions that our company will maintain our position as the leader in scaffolding service in the region and beyond. Our philosophy to maintain and develop our systems and lead the industry in work practices and training will ensure K.J. Industrial Scaffolding are recognised as the provider and employer of skilled labour. As part of our on going culture our company has also trained scaffolders/riggers as gas watcher/confined space watchers so that we can manage our own work hours and are not interrupted by the breaks. There is also a great safety benefit as K.J. Industrial Scaffolding gas watchers are able to climb scaffolds and ensure the environment that the scaffolders are working in is safe.

Fully qualified safety officers on the job ensuring a high level of expert induction and critical procedure training

All of the company’s employees are supported by K.J. Industrial Scaffolding Safety Management System. The company employs two fully qualified and certified safety officers, who ensure that the induction program and critical procedure training is carried out in accordance with customers requirements.

K.J. Industrial Scaffolding is recognised by Workcover as a leader in scaffold safety and has played a leading role in the establishment of the working at heights procedure for BHP Steel (now BlueScope Steel) and is a member of the International BlueScope Steel Falls Prevention Committee. Our Company has passed the third stage of the Workcover premium discount scheme and this discount will now flow onto BlueScope Steel.

Scaffolding industry achievements of note

  • In 2003 K.J. Industrial Scaffolding received safety recognition from various clients for being part of the Alliance Team that completed over one million man hours without a lost time injury.
  • In 2005 our company was Host Employer of the Year (Illawarra Group Training).
  • In 2007, K.J. Industrial Scaffolding received an award from the industry for 3 years LTI free. Also in that year, K.J. Industrial Scaffolding received another recognition of excellence on safety performance by Australian Industry Group (AIG) for completing 100,000 man hours (3 years L.T.I Free) a record that the company is now building on.
  • In June 2008, K.J. Industrial Scaffolding was named NSW Large Host Employee of the Year.
  • In 2009 K.J. Industrial Scaffolding was once again awarded NSW Large Host Employer of the Year by Group Training Australia and was also awarded Best Performing Group for the No. 5 Blast Furnace Reline by Bluescope Steel. K.J Industrial Scaffolding received recognition of Excellence in Safety Performance on Major Projects by Australian Industry Group. One of K.J. Industrial Scaffolding’s trainees won Trainee of the Year 2009.

Established scaffolding traineeships ensuring we retain the highest qualified workforce in the industry

In Conjuction with HVTC and TAFE KJ Scaffolding has provided more than One Hundred and Forty Traineeships over the past twenty years taking on twelve new Trainees each year, many of whom are now full time employees of the Company.

KJ Scaffolding offers Traineeships in not only Scaffolding but also Drafting and Design and Business Administration.

KJ also works closely with Greenacres Illawarra Creating employment opportunities for people with a disability. A Program has been designed to integrate clients into meaningful employment in a commercial setting with KJ employing twenty Clients to date.